£718.00 £820.75
Make use of that Coolbox or build your own. Then enjoy all the benefits of a Fridge/Freezer much the same as home. Purchase a mains rectifier and run it off the Mains when you are in Marina's. If in doubt give us a call, we are here to help
Using air which is blown through the condenser by a fan is the traditional way to remove the heat. It is important that the compressor compartment is well ventilated allowing cold air to enter from below and hot air to escape to the top.
This version of the 2005K includes the new self sealing quick couplings fitting. The new quick couplings can be reopened without any gas leaking like the former versions. In addition to this, the valve assembly inside the coupling’s body can easily be replaced without welding operations.
Key Features
£1,295.00 £1,595.00
Quick Italian quality product used on a majority of new boats using the latest technology...
£1,165.00 £1,471.30
Quick Italian quality product used on a majority of new boats using the latest technology...
£2,499.00 £2,819.00
Quick Italian quality product used on a majority of new boats using the latest technology...