£580.00 £708.00
The Active X has FCC Approved ID: XZMACTIVE-X - NATO stock number 5840 99 904 3941
State of the art Echomax Active-X-Band Radar Target Enhancer receives a signal from transmitting radar, amplifies and returns a stronger signal. This increases the likelihood of detection reducing the risk of collision and helps to alert oncoming vessels of your position.
Active RTE are increasingly being used on navigation buoys and their estimated power consumption can be seen using this link. Non use of the control box saves 10mA of power.
*Stated Performance Level – QinetiQ – 13th March 09 for linear diagrams click here.
Exceeds ISO 8729-2 effective 22nd July 09 X Band performance requirements 7.5M2 @+/-10 degrees of heel for motor vessels and +/-20 degrees of heel for sailing vessels.
Control Box for interior installation Surface mount:
£288.00 £348.00
The Solas 305 is tested and approved to M.E.D./SOLAS MSC 200 (80) and EN ISO...
£275.00 £291.70
if you have a requirement either Commercial or working neater water and need to comply with...
The Solas 305 is tested and approved to M.E.D./SOLAS MSC 200 (80) and EN ISO...