£56.00 £66.00
The most versatile Y-Valve on the market.
The TruDesign Aquavalve is designed for the diversion and control of the effluent or water
Used in marine toilet applications the effluent can be channelled overboard or held in a holding tank for later discharge overboard or to a shore side facility
Legislation in many countries dictates the use of holding tanks near shore, or in defined areas. By installing a diverting valve (Y Valve), the user has the choice to divert black water to a holding tank or directly overboard when circumstances allow.
Key Features
£1,295.00 £1,595.00
Quick Italian quality product used on a majority of new boats using the latest technology...
£1,165.00 £1,471.30
Quick Italian quality product used on a majority of new boats using the latest technology...
£2,499.00 £2,819.00
Quick Italian quality product used on a majority of new boats using the latest technology...